Sunday, October 02, 2005

No Valid Opinions, exhibit 243

Sideline reporters at football games are inherently worthless. In all my years of watching football, I have yet to see a worthwhile report from any of them...but that's an issue for another day. I just want to pass along a nugget from last night's ND-Purdue game. Late in the second half of the blowout, Purdue was still taking timeouts on defense, and Ron Franklin (one of my favorites) and Bob Davie (human waste) were rightly criticizing Joe Tiller for prolonging his own misery. Blah, blah, blah, a few minutes pass and they eventually throw to Holly Rowe on the sidelines. She offers her typically pointless drivel and then finishes with, "and guys, about Purdue taking timeouts, that's just the coaches not giving up and still coaching all the way to the end. Back to you." Franklin snaps back, in the most condescending and paternalistic tone you can imagine, with, "Coaching? It's 42 to 21, sweetheart."

Just the latest proof that women have no valid opinions about sports.



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