Thursday, November 10, 2005


Christmas came early for the AIFL Champion Richmond Bandits -- the rings are in! Aren't they beautiful:

The logo is set on a football shaped ruby that is a brighter red than appears in the picture. It's surrounded by 18 "diamonds" and the words 2005 AIFL CHAMPIONS.

The right flank has the score of the championship game, Bandits 56, Freeze 30, with the words "Inaugural Season" and the team's record (11-1) under a likeness of the Governor's Cup trophy. The left flank has the player's (or in my case, broadcaster's) name, a helmet, and position.

These things are freakin' huge! The top is almost two fingers wide (but keep in mind I have skinny fingers). It's heavy enough to really add some wallop when your right hand cracks someone upside the head, so much so that they'll likely have an impression of the word "STIDNAB" on their jaw. In fact, "stidnab" will probably become a new verb replacing "bitch slap," "pimp slap," "haymaker," "sucker punch," and "give 'em the Davie." First, the rappers will pick it up ("If a bitch disses you, don't be some disgrace/When a bitch disses you, stidnab her in the face"). Then the kids will start saying it, comedians will work it into their acts, it will have its own police code ("possible 10-67 in progress"), and it will eventually become the title of a Lifetime movie about domestic abuse, thus running its course in the realm of popular culture and being generally played out. But by then the Bandits will have a couple more of these honkers and the term will become retro, thus cool again.



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