Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Trick or Plea

In my typical lazy, half-assed fashion, I came up with a Halloween costume sometime on October 27. Naturally, it consisted of things I either had at home already or could make on my own very easily. But I am actually quite pleased at how well it went over. Many people got what I was going for, some even without having to read my placard. In a stroke of topicality, ripped from the headlines more than any Law & Order episode, I went as Tom DeLay.

In case you didn't know, Tom DeLay is the former Speaker of the House who was indicted on charges of money laundering. This is his actual mugshot:

What the hell is he smiling about? Who is that happy after they've been taken downtown and booked for some very serious charges? I think he knows something...maybe because he has a deal worked out with this guy:



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