Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm an excellent driver

If you see random car parts that may have come from a transmission scattered up and down Broad Street, they're probably from me. On the way in to work yesterday, I noticed a slight scraping sound when I got off 95 and was driving in the lower gears. It was one of those sounds that you hope will just go away, but the more you hear it the more you just know that it's really bad. When your transmission sounds like it's digesting itself, it's time to hope for a miracle. So I fully utilized and exhausted all applications of my knowledge of car maintenance and repair: I checked the fluid levels and unfortunately the clutch fluid was almost full. Bad news for the tranny. I managed to drive to the mechanic, dreading every red light on Broad because first and second gears were by now making a horrible, vomit-inducing sound. Third gear wasn't much better, so I drove most of the way in fourth gear -- not quite recommended when you're going 35 mph, but quite necessary. The mechanic's diagnosis was as I had feared: I need a new transmission to the tune of $2100.

This is a classic example of bad things happening to good drivers. I don't consider myself a bad driver, I don't run red lights like everyone else in this town (yellow is a different story, but you know the assholes who blast through blatantly red lights), I don't cut people off, I don't pull out into traffic from a dead stop, I stay out of the left lane unless I'm doing at least 70, I don't leave my high beams on when there's traffic on the other side of the road, and I don't park where there are No Parking signs. That may not make me a saint, but every single time I'm on the streets I encounter someone doing at least one of those things that oftentimes sets me off cursing at them and wishing bad things to happen to their car. Wouldn't it be fitting if someone parked illegally, blocking an alley, and in doing so drove on a nail? Wouldn't it be awesome if someone cruised through a red light and then had their transmission drop to the street? But no, those jackoffs never even consider what they're doing yet suffer no consequences, meanwhile I get stuck having to buy a new transmission. There's no justice.



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