Friday, March 31, 2006

Don't let it get away

What a freakin' beautiful day today, for more than the obvious reasons. Sometimes the little things go your way and it adds up to keep you in a good mood all day long. (I'm mainly talking about work here, where if enough little things go wrong all the time, there are probably bigger problems inherent in the systems or processes you use -- but that's for another post.) Today the radio station got an order to run a commercial that would be delivered to us through a third party agency, whose track record is terrible. We've gotten orders from this agency before and instead of the spots being available on their website three days before they're supposed to go on the air (like they promise), we usually don't get them until the middle of the first day of the contract. That's not even an exaggeration. But today the spot we needed was already there and I could download it and be done with it! Ditto for another spot that came in via a service that you basically have to keep hitting 'refresh' and hope that it shows up. There were a handful of other small tasks to finish today, for which I left instructions for the interns when I left for lunch. I was very pleasantly surprised when everything was done -- correctly -- without them having to ask me thirty questions about the same thing they've done the past seven weeks, when I got back from my two hour lunch in the park. No, I could not resist having lunch outside this afternoon. And even though I was in the park, it was a working lunch because one of the transmitters is right across the street from the park and I checked in there to make sure everything was straight. Not to mention that I had the current issue of Radio World for my lunchtime reading material.

Funny how this was going to be a post about how there are no fast Hardees drive-throughs anywhere, but then I came to realize that all the other little things that went right outweighed that minor inconvenience. Plus I would wager that when you're looking forward to eating lunch in the park for the first time all year, everything seems too slow on your way there.



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