Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Life really does imitate Simpsons quotes

This was the work of no-good punk kids

When I got to work this morning, the first e-mail that was waiting for me was a notice from our engineer that one of our transmitter sites had been vandalized. Apparently some young hoodlums tried to jimmy the locks on a tower enclosure and the transmitter building itself, with no apparent success at entry. One still must wonder what drives someone to do that, though. The towers are not exactly easy to access (by design), nor are they located on a major thoroughfare. So it would seem to me that somebody has some kind of vendetta against the station itslef, or at least one of the DJs, and tried to hit us where it hurts. I give them a little credit for finding out where the transmitter is, but low marks for execution. Surely it is evident to anyone that expensive, potentially dangerous radio equipment would be protected by more than a simple hasp or a piece of string.

Nothing good has ever come out of New York City

It's a game that Notre Dame fans are used to watching...the early Wednesday afternoon game in the Big East tournament. And given that we rarely win in the tourney, plus the way we've lost so many games this year, as I watch the final 8.1 seconds I have no reason to believe that either of those trends will end...Nope, a four point loss. We're officially on the countdown to kickoff, which stands at 178 days.

Hey! That's just my aspirin

So it's not the best day, which is compounded by the fact that I woke up at 4:00 this morning, when my whole body ached, and I had the chills and a headache. I slept intermittently until 8, then thought that a shower would make me feel better. It didn't. At this point, I was still too stubborn to admit that I might have a fever. So, writing everything off to sleeping in a bad position or eating some bad shrimp last night for dinner, I headed in to work. Things didn't get much better during the morning, so I found the official Radio Richmond first aid kit in hopes it would contain some aspirin. Instead I found...NON-Aspirin. That is exactly what it said on the package. I wonder if you put it in contact with an equal number of tablets of actual aspirin, the whole thing would explode into energy. I guess it was a good thing after all that I didn't take anything at home, because my stomach is not the best place for an uncontrolled atomic reaction.

But what was even more like a drug was the drugs

All these medicinal adventures were made slightly ironic because I was planning on going to the pharmacy anyway tonight. Since I literally don't remember the last prescription I had filled, I spent half the morning on the phone with my health insurance company, trying to find out exactly what my prescription benefits are. Turns out they classify the pills I need to get before my eye surgery as a step-therapy drug, meaning I have to try the generic equivalent first before they will pay for the name brand that was prescribed. So I talked to the doctor's office, and had them call Aetna to certify that I needed the name brand and that the generic wouldn't cut it...only to hear from them later that they encourage patients to get the generic equivalent! Nothing like taking two and a half hours to end up right where you started.



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