Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What do Barry Bonds and I have in common?

We're not on steroids...anymore.

This morning I took my last two eyedrops of "the clear", the corticosteroid drop that I had been tapering down from the last nine weeks. I am now done with all prescriptions from my PRK, and am only taking the over the counter artificial tears for lubrication. Just as I was promised, my vision has slowly but steadily improved over the past couple of months, to the point where now I can read smaller type in dimmer light than I could before. All must be going well internally too -- at my last checkup a couple weeks ago, the doc was in the room for all of 42 seconds, during which he looked at both my eyes and simply said, "Perfect!" The three month anniversary of my surgery is this Saturday, and the doctor says I can still expect improvement for about three more months! The best vision I've ever known still bumped against the limits to correcting my vision inherent to contact lenses, and I'm seeing as well now as I ever did with contacts. So if there is still room for improvement and I really will see better than I ever have in my life, bring it on!



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