Wednesday, July 12, 2006

There are too many motherfucking mice on this motherfucking plane!

Life really does imitate art. We are only 37 days away from the opening of Samuel L. Jackson's Snakes on a Plane. Chances are you've heard of it, or read about it, or seen one of the hundreds of fan-generated trailers or t-shirts. And while snakes on a plane are definitely scary, they're no less dangerous than mice on a plane. Just based on this one real-life incident, the sequel practically writes itself. Mice can chew through insulation and wiring, potentially causing a fire, not to mention leaving droppings all over the place. How's this for horror: the oxygen mask pops down, and you find a dead mouse in it. Crash scene investigator Mel Burkhardt said, "The potential for the catastrophic mishap is there and if you have one mouse, you have two. (If) you have two, you have a family." Tell me that's not something the rodentologist in the movie would say!



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