Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bull's eye

I had another follow-up exam with my PRK doctor yesterday. If it seems like I haven't talked much about it lately, that's right and that's by design. As you might imagine, when recovering from eye surgery, no news is good news. I had no problems since my last checkup so this was (hopefully) going to be just another routine visit. The good news started immediately: I was measured at 20/20 in both eyes, and just a shade under 20/20 when using both eyes. (That's my story, anyway; the 20/20 line came into slightly clearer focus after I took the little paddle off of the other eye.) Then doc took a good look at my corneas, and mentioned how he is still absolutely amazed at what laser surgery can do and how natural the eye looks even after being zapped. I also heard the word "perfect" escape his lips as he examined my baby blues.

Later I had a corneal topography for the first time since before surgery. This is a method of illustrating exacly how bad your vision is across every minute coordinate of the field of vision. The eye pictured to the left is probably about 20/80 - 20/100 with some astigmatism. I saw my results before surgery, and both eyes were almost completely red and orange -- ie, very poor vision. Now that my corneas have healed and stabilized, another topography would finally be meaningful, and it's a thing of beauty. For both eyes, it's all blue with small tinges of blue-green around the edges. I think the doctor's office is counting me as one of their success stories, and I'm certainly ecstatic about how things have turned out.



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