Friday, August 18, 2006


I got the first filling of my life yesterday. It was fairly uneventful, my mouth only hurt for a little while after the anesthetic wore off, and you can't even tell where the filling is. If you think that sounds too good to be true, you're right. I got a voicemail from my dentist later in the evening. Any time a medical professional calls you himself, and says "About your filling this afternoon...give me a call on my cell phone," it's not because he just wants to thank you for being a good patient. Sure enough, when I talked to him he told me that he may have filled the wrong tooth. The confusion came after he looked at the x-ray of tooth #20, worked on tooth #20, but later saw that the notes from the initial exam only discussed tooth #29. Isn't that something that he should notice before he starts drilling? Could he have consulted with the hygienist that made the notes? Now I'm going to have this hanging over my head all weekend before I can get back in there Monday "just to make sure" that he filled the right tooth.



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