Thursday, October 05, 2006

Time keeps on ticking, ticking

After making the rounds of a few Fan bars last night, I was walking from Easy Street to my car near Buddy's. I passed a couple of places I haven't been to in quite some time and got to reminiscing. I remember a time when I hung out in Commercial Taphouse at least once a week, and I remember some of the people I hung out there with. It seems to me that almost every time I was there, I met a new friend of a friend, some of whom became semi-regulars, some of whom were simply passing through town on the journey of their life. Everyone had a story, and it's the stories I remember more than what they looked like or even their names. Of my group of friends at the time, some are still good friends of mine, others have moved or started families or otherwise just faded away. I still remember the good times and on occasions like last night wonder what some of them are up to these days.

I wonder if they remember me.



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