Thursday, October 01, 2009

2009 Fighting Irish

We've turned the calendar to October and the football season is a third over, and it just occurred to me that I didn't post my predictions. These were completed the Thursday before the first game, I promise.

I wish I could confidently predict a 10 or 11 win season, especially since I am nonetheless going to demand it from this coaching staff. However, I'm just not sure that the entire team, from players to coaches to waterboys, has the character to perform at that level over 13 weeks. I was back and forth on my picks for Pitt and Stanford, as I think they will both be tough, late season games for us in which much will be revealed about said character.

Last year I said about the Syracuse game, "if we don't have a very, very easy win all hope might be lost for ND football." Well, I haven't lost all hope yet but I sure as hell am not going to set myself up with a 10 or more win prediction based on nothing more than hope -- because I will not believe that we are an elite team until I see it with my own eyes.

Nevada -- I don't care that they have a gunslinger QB, I don't care that they use a "Wildcat" or "Pistol" or whatever the hell offense, and I don't care that they have several all-WAC players in a conference that went 1-10 against ranked teams last year. Their mediocre defense will not improve -- especially in game 1 -- and we can score enough points against mediocre defenses to render fourth quarters moot. A feel good win, 45-21.

Michigan -- They'll be an improved team this year, but there are still too many square pegs on both sides of the ball. The bounces seem to go their way at home, and they will look a hundred times better against us than they did last year, but we'll be able to control the ball with a running game, certain aspects of which we won't have to reveal against Nevada, and win 31-21.

Michigan State -- Simply, they'll be able to beat us up again. They are stout along both lines and their defense will make us one-dimensional. Clausen will have about 45 frustrating pass attempts and once again it will be MSU doing the grinding and taking a 20-16 game. The first chink appears for those who want Charlie gone.

Purdue -- Their entire offense is gone, and I just don't see how they will be able to mount any consistent scoring threats. Even though we don't have Brock Spack to kick around anymore, we will be able to show some more balance in the offense and take a look at our RB depth on the way to a 38-7 victory.

Washington -- They return almost all of their offensive "production" from last year, but new coaches will make them look appreciably better. (Though in fairness, myself, your grandfather, two people with no valid opinions about sports, and the cat could also make them look appreciably better.) Their D will have some major holes and we'll be able to head into the off week with a 35-10 win.

USC -- As improved as UW may look against us, we will look even better against SC relative to last year's debacle. Unfortunately, I just don't see how we can beat these guys. We will need to go 5 wide most of the time just to have a chance, because their offense (even with a green QB) isn't going to relent. They have an off week to prepare, too, and you'd better believe that Carroll is putting all his eggs into making a statement in ND Stadium. Even those that are happiest about being 4-1 will realize that we are still not an elite team after a 38-17 loss.

BC -- Last week's result notwithstanding, I think our team will truly realize that they are better than BC in all aspects and prepare the entire week expecting to win. Some of the same 4- and 5-wide formations we used against SC will work even better this week, and their offense is too spotty and inconsistent to go on too many long scoring drives. Plus it'll be their 8th straight game, and 4th tough one in a row (FSU, @VT, NCST). In a vacuum, it might not be the most beautiful college football game, but given the circumstances this 28-10 win will feel mighty good.

Washington State -- Ho hum. They're awful, the setting is awful, and I dare anyone not to fall asleep by the end of the game. Much of the second half will be played by the second string as WSU struggles to gain first downs, let alone score. The starters will pitch a shutout and the final will end up being 48-6.

Navy -- Again, we will jump out to an early lead, but this year I don't think they have what it takes to mount a comeback, even against our reserves. Some stat padding for Clausen and Aldridge in a workmanlike 31-10 win.

Pitt -- This is not a good matchup for us. Though they lost McCoy, their O-line is still quite good, and they have enough weapons throughout their defense to make things as difficult for us as they did last year. It will be a back and forth game, but they have an off week and Syracuse leading up to this game, so I think Wanny will be able to get out of his own way enough to engineer a 24-19 Pitt victory.

UConn -- Like Pitt, they lost an absolute stud running back, but unlike Pitt, they don't have the horses up and down their team to make up for it. We will effectively run a balanced offense and put in the second stringers and senior walk-ons for at least a couple of possessions to wrap up a 35-10 win.

Stanford -- They could be playing for bowl eligibility, and after last year's game they feel like they have some unfinished business with us. I expect them to run right at us and mix in a few timely passes, as they may have the most balanced offense we'll have seen since USC. We'll be able to score on them, but Clausen will take a few lumps along the way. I think Stanford will be able to build up a lead but everything Clausen has been working towards since his freshman year will finally pay off, and a Quinn-esque comeback will give us the 30-28 win.

At 9-3 we should easily land in the Gator Bowl. A New Year's Day bowl would be a big enough landmark on our way back to college football's mountaintop, but from Nov. 29 through the Blue-Gold game, the question will be can Charlie make it all the way to the top? Of course he can, some will say, after all he has Clausen coming back as a senior, all the WRs and RBs are coming back too...just like they said before this season...lather, rinse, repeat...from the high to the low, to the end of the show, for the rest of our lives.


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