Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Big Dance

After much consternation, tea leaf reading, and consultations with the Magic 8-Ball (painted orange to commemorate the season), I have made my NCAA Tournament picks. I had no problems picking three Virginia schools to win their first games, including VCU, who I've seen about 15 times this year and I think can match up with an overseeded Duke team. Sorry ODU, but loyalty to Indiana trumps your hot finish to the regular season. I can't remember another bracket in which so few lower seeds jumped out at me as being upset worthy. Now that Cinderellas of seasons past (Southern Illinois, Nevada) are the higher seeds, the disparity between the 3's and the 14's is greater than ever. I hate to pick so many top seeds, but when it comes to putting my money where my mouth is (not to mention grabbing invaluable bragging rights), this is how I had to fill it out.

Obligatory Notre Dame note: Yes, they're making the Elite 8. Deal with it.